Pipemaster?60 ,E6010纤维素焊条是专门为管道工业设计的管道打底专用焊条。它的特点是电弧稳定、低飞溅、良好的焊缝成形等。此产品的全位置焊接性能好,能确保产品的射线检测合格率。
81N1 E71T8-Ni1 HOBART的81N1自保护药芯焊丝适用于高强度钢结构焊接或通用制造等的多种用途中,特别是在低温下需要高冲击韧性的用途。快速凝固的焊渣保证了良好的全位置可焊性能,在石油、天然气、船舶、桥梁等工业恶劣的环境中,合伯特81N1是工程优良质量的保证。特别适合对低温韧性要求高的API X52至X70油气管道的现场焊接。
Pipemaster 60 is a quick-starting, cellulosic mild steel electrode that provides you with outstanding arc stability,
penetration and wash-in. It’s ideal for welding in all positions and produces an X-ray quality weld with light slag that’s
easy to remove. Pipemaster 60 can be used to weld the following API 5L steels: Grade A, B, X-42, X-46, X-52, X-56
and for the root pass on material up to X-80.
Construction and shipbuilding, general purpose fabrication, maintenance welding, out-of-position X-ray welds, pipe
welding and vertical and overhead plate welding