area class="lazyLoad">台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机 的工作流程及原理 (参看图三)
Working Process and Principle (Picture 3)
台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机 工作流程:人工上料---自动送料---自动冲孔---自动校正---自动卷线穿线---自动收料。
Working Process: Feed by manual---Send product automatically---Punch automatically---Adjust the hole automatically---Forming and insert the wire automatically---Receive the product automatically.
台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机 工作原理:产品由人工放置在上料输送道上,通过链条传动到冲孔待料位,待料位光电得到信号输送停止,同时待料位待料机械手1得到夹紧信号夹紧,然后将产品移至打孔等待工位,该工位确认产品到位后理料气缸将产品整齐定位,然后通过推刀将产品分次推到冲孔工位冲孔,冲孔完成后待料机械手2夹紧、理料气缸打开、机械手2将书本移至校孔工位、校孔工位光电确认到位后校正机构进行校正,校正完成后待料机械手3夹紧产品移至穿线工位,穿线工位光电确认产品到位后夹紧、穿线、剪线、夹紧松开,然后机械手4将装订完成的书本移至收料输送位,完成装订过程。
Principle: The worker put the book into the feed belt, then be deliver to the position to wait for punch, the light sensor in the wait position get the signal to stop send the book, when the gripper 1 get the signal to grip, then deliver the book to the position of punching, when the machine confirm the book arrive the position, the machine would neat the book, then through the push knife to push the book to punch separately, after punching, the gripper 2 grip the book to the adjust parts to adjust the hole, then the gripper 3 grip the book the insert position, when the machine confirm the book arrive, it would insert the wire in the hole, then cut the wire, at last the gripper 4 grip the book
receive belt. it is the all working process.
台历装订机 挂历装订机 日历装订机 笔记本装订机